Can cats eat pork ribs?
Can cats eat pork ribs? Or any other animal, for that matter. They can eat many different foods but must be balanced with their diet. If your cat is eating too many ...
Can cats eat popcorn
Popcorn is a snack that you can enjoy with your family, or you can feed it to your cat as a treat. While cats do like popcorn, it's not safe for them ...
How long after dog eats to walk?
Walking your dog is a great way to exercise and socialize with your pet, but there’s one thing you should know about how long you should walk after feeding a dog.
How long after eating does dog poop?
This is a common question I get asked all the time and one that can be rather difficult to answer. It depends on several factors, including age, size, and diet.
How Long Can You Leave a Dog Alone?
Dogs are man's best friend. They love us unconditionally and follow us everywhere, even into the bathroom! However, the best way to keep your pup happy is by not leaving them alone ...
How long should a dog with parvo be isolated?
Parvovirus is a highly contagious virus that can infect dogs, cats, and ferrets. It's called parvo for short, and it causes nausea and vomiting in infected animals. But there's good news: Parvovirus ...
How often should you bathe a cat?
Cats are cute and cuddly, but they can also be smelly. If you love your cat, it's important to take care of their hygiene. Whether your kitty likes baths or not, there ...
Can cats eat smoked salmon?
If you’ve ever considered feeding smoked salmon to your feline friend, the answer is “maybe not.” The problem with this food is that cats can’t digest its toxins very well.
Can Cats Eat Spinach?
You may have seen a video of a cat chowing down on some fresh greens. It's no surprise that cats love fresh produce—carnivores who need the protein in meat and veggies to ...
Can cats eat tortillas?
Cats can eat tortillas, because they’re rich in protein and antioxidants. So what does this mean for you if your cat likes to snack on corn chips or flour tortillas?