Obesity is a health problem not restricted to humans alone. In dogs it is one of the leading health concerns resulting from extreme body fat that contributes to weight gain. Much like in humans, it is caused by inadequate exercise coupled with the lack of a well-balanced diet in pets.

In people, obesity gives rise to a host of other health problems. It is no different in the case of dogs. Some of the problems caused by obesity in dogs include diabetes, arthritis, and heart disorders. Having excessive fat in the body can also lead to high blood pressures and renal diseases in pets. However, timely identification of the early signs can help you manage obesity in your dog. Abdominal sagging, lethargy, rounder faces, disappearing waistlines, extreme panting, and a reluctance to engage in any form of physical activity are some of the signs of obesity in dogs. Risk factors for obesity are informed by your dog’s age, breed, genetics, neutering, overfeeding, and decreased exercise.

Although cases of canine obesity have risen over the years and continue to rise, they can be easily prevented. Exercising your dog regularly and frequently depending on their weight and / or food intake, visiting the veterinarian regularly, designing an appropriate diet plan with their help to promote healthy eating behavior in your pet, and keeping track of your progress thereafter, are some of the ways in which you can prevent your canine friend from becoming obese. Experts recommend putting your dog on a low-fat diet rich in protein and fibre. Additionally, giving your dog healthier treats like carrot sticks instead of the normal ones, can also help you help them manage their weight.

Primarily, the right feeding practices and appropriate exercise regimes can help you prevent and / or manage obesity in your dog. You can ask your veterinarian more about the specific ways of countering obesity in your pet.