Cats are amazing animals, and they can be great companions. However, they have their own health issues that need to be taken care of. One specific type of ailment that many cats experience is headaches. This article will give you information on recognizing a cat’s head pain so you can take action if needed!
What Causes Headaches in Cats?
While only humans and dogs get headaches, cats can also experience headaches. The reasons for this are not fully understood yet, but several factors may play a role:
Neck or Head Trauma
Head trauma can also cause headaches in cats. Cats may suffer from head trauma when they fall off a shelf or other high place, get hit by a moving object, and even get stuck in a tight space.
If your cat wears a collar, it may be straining his neck. The collar pressure could cause him to experience pain in his neck and upper back areas. The best way to resolve this is by replacing the collar with one appropriate for your pet’s size and weight.
If you have cats, it’s essential to understand that they can get headaches. They’re prone to allergies, and this makes them susceptible to headaches. The most common type of cat allergy is flea bite or food allergy. The two kinds of food allergies are inhalant and oral/dental. Inhalant refers to any allergic reaction that involves the lungs; it often occurs when a cat inhales dust or pollen from outdoors into its airways, leading to inflammation around the nasal passages or sinuses.
Overheating and Dehydration
If a cat gets too hot, it will start to pant and become lethargic. If they’re dehydrated, their tongue will be dry and flaky, their gums may be pale or even red (called “pale gingivitis”), and their breath may smell like onions or garlic.
If your cat is overheated or dehydrated due to the heat or cold temperatures outside (or if you’ve left them out in the car during rush hour), you must take them immediately to the vet as soon as possible so they can get fluids into their body before something serious happens like hyperthermia (high body temperature), renal failure & death!
Exposure to Chemicals
Cats are sensitive to chemicals and can be exposed to them in their food or water. They can also be exposed to chemicals through air pollution and other sources. Chemicals like pesticides, fragrances, and other household products have been shown to cause headaches in cats.
What are the Symptoms of Headaches in Cats?
In addition to the most common symptom of a headache, cats may also experience pain in their neck and back. They may have difficulty moving their head or limbs, making them feel like they are being hit by something. A veterinarian should also examine cats with ear pain because this could indicate more severe health concerns, such as an inner-ear infection (otitis media) or other issues related to the canal opening at the base of each ear canal (mastoiditis).
Headaches are often accompanied by sensitivity to light, noise, movement, and even smells; these symptoms can vary depending on what part of your cat’s body is affected by its condition. If you notice any changes in your pet’s behavior after experiencing a headache episode—such as increased aggression towards other animals—call your vet right away!
If your cat is experiencing a headache, take her to the vet as soon as possible. Headaches can be severe, and you must get her checked out immediately so she can receive the proper treatment for this problem.