Every cat parent wants their pet to be healthy and happy, and to explore everything life has to offer. However, health and medical concerns can sometimes get in the way, and feline limping is no exception. Limps in cats are commonly caused by some kind of trauma or injury. Every now and then, cats tend to find themselves in some feline predicament or the other which can result in them falling down, or getting into more serious accidents which can lead to injuries like fractures, muscle strain, tendon and ligament tears, as well as wounds and bruises. However, limping can also occur due to some underlying medical reasons including cardiovascular problems which can affect mobility in their hind legs, arthritis, neurological, and even genetic conditions.

Some common signs of feline limping include inflammation, difficulty walking or running, trouble climbing up and down the stairs and jumping on to high places, increased licking, and redness. If you notice such symptoms in your cat, you must take them to the veterinarian immediately as delays can potentially exacerbate the situation.

Treatment for feline limping mainly depends on the cause. Your veterinarian would employ the use of x-rays and generally offer advice on ways in which you can manage their exercise regime, weight, and diet. In the case of more serious underlying causes such as fractures and neurological issues, surgery may be needed.

Despite the seriousness of the problem, there are a few steps that you can take to prevent or reduce the chances of limping in your cat. Monitoring their daily activities and keeping them indoors can prevent accidents such as getting hit by a car or falling from a great height. You must also examine their paws on a daily basis to check for any debris. Additionally, learning about their genetic history is another way of being more proactive in maintaining your pet’s wellbeing. You can consult with your veterinarian regarding possible diet and exercise plans, and the other ways in which you can do your part to keep your cat safe and healthy.