Dr. Luciano de Gatica

Reviewed by Dr. Luciano de Gatica
Updated on 04/27/2024
Reading time 12 min.


Severity: Low – Medium

Life stage: All

Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut id est aliquet, bibendum velit quis, fermentum nulla. Etiam at semper orci. Etiam vitae nibh tortor. Phasellus nec eros semper, sollicitudin tortor in, mattis dui. Donec enim libero, commodo a aliquam sed, dapibus et libero. Suspendisse potenti. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nulla pharetra, tellus eu egestas vulputate, nulla eros venenatis dui, quis faucibus magna quam ut felis. Morbi mattis consectetur elit, ut luctus quam placerat nec. Donec feugiat vestibulum dui, et rhoncus mauris egestas ut. Mauris rutrum ornare enim at venenatis. Nunc vestibulum arcu eget nulla porta iaculis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Phasellus ac pharetra tortor.

Sed quis enim sagittis neque dapibus aliquam. Nullam feugiat ornare sapien, id volutpat odio malesuada nec. Integer elit ante, mollis in nunc vestibulum, malesuada convallis arcu. Integer at sem nec mi faucibus sodales ut in mauris. Nam vitae ornare urna, in tincidunt leo. Phasellus interdum congue interdum. Aenean ut hendrerit metus.

Aggressive behaviour Frequency
Misdirected predatory behaviour Very common
Petting-related aggression Very common
Fear-related aggression Common
Redirected aggression Common
Maternal aggression Less common

Adapted from Moyer.16 Aggression may also be due to an underlying disease or medical condition, although this is less common


  • Aenean bibendum tempor lectus
  • Vestibulum ultricies
  • Nunc consectetur urna quis elit
  • Curabitur odio tellus
  • Donec rhoncus mi ac dui efficitur


  • Aenean bibendum tempor lectus
  • Vestibulum ultricies
  • Nunc consectetur urna quis elit
  • Curabitur odio tellus
  • Donec rhoncus mi ac dui efficitur

Nulla pharetra, tellus eu egestas vulputate, nulla eros venenatis dui, quis faucibus magna quam ut felis. Morbi mattis consectetur elit, ut luctus quam placerat nec. Donec feugiat vestibulum dui, et rhoncus mauris egestas ut. – says Dr. Luciano de Gatica

In at consequat nunc

Aliquam pellentesque enim placerat leo blandit imperdiet. Maecenas ut faucibus dui, venenatis tincidunt nisl. Fusce ac libero a neque consequat aliquet. Vestibulum ullamcorper lacus eget ultrices rhoncus. Mauris mi metus, malesuada sed auctor vel, pretium nec ex. Phasellus nec euismod sem, vel luctus nunc. Sed tristique vitae sapien vitae commodo. Praesent vulputate quam ullamcorper tellus feugiat, a vestibulum est dapibus. Nam aliquet diam vel urna pharetra malesuada. Donec finibus commodo sem, id posuere elit facilisis nec.

  • Donec id feugiat sem.
  • Vivamus eget ex non tellus laoreet dapibus.
  • Phasellus lorem diam, pulvinar et varius consequat, molestie ut ante.

Nam scelerisque, ex vitae dictum tristique, lectus urna interdum nisi, quis ultricies justo est vitae felis.

Tellus eu egestas vulputate

Nulla pharetra, tellus eu egestas vulputate, nulla eros venenatis dui, quis faucibus magna quam ut felis. Morbi mattis consectetur elit, ut luctus quam placerat nec. Donec feugiat vestibulum dui, et rhoncus mauris egestas ut. Mauris rutrum ornare enim at venenatis. Nunc vestibulum arcu eget nulla porta iaculis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Phasellus ac pharetra tortor.

  1. Donec id feugiat sem.
  2. Vivamus eget ex non tellus laoreet dapibus.
  3. Phasellus lorem diam, pulvinar et varius consequat, molestie ut ante.

Nulla pharetra, tellus eu egestas vulputate, nulla eros venenatis dui, quis faucibus magna quam ut felis. Morbi mattis consectetur elit, ut luctus quam placerat nec. Donec feugiat vestibulum dui, et rhoncus mauris egestas ut. Mauris rutrum ornare enim at venenatis. Nunc vestibulum arcu eget nulla porta iaculis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Phasellus ac pharetra tortor.

Fusce sit amet dictum exique, lectus urna interdum nisi, quis ultricies justo est vitae felis.

In at consequat nunc. Aliquam pellentesque enim placerat leo blandit imperdiet. Maecenas ut faucibus dui, venenatis tincidunt nisl. Fusce ac libero a neque consequat aliquet. Vestibulum ullamcorper lacus eget ultrices rhoncus. Mauris mi metus, malesuada sed auctor vel, pretium nec ex. Phasellus nec euismod sem, vel luctus nunc. Sed tristique vitae sapien vitae commodo. Praesent vulputate quam ullamcorper tellus feugiat, a vestibulum est dapibus. Nam aliquet diam vel urna pharetra malesuada. Donec finibus commodo sem, id posuere elit facilisis nec. Donec id feugiat sem. Vivamus eget ex non tellus laoreet dapibus. Phasellus lorem diam, pulvinar et varius consequat, molestie ut ante. Nam scelerisque, ex vitae dictum tristique, lectus urna interdum nisi, quis ultricies justo est vitae felis.

Suspendisse vel sem sapien. Nam sit amet pellentesque nulla, quis imperdiet turpis. Maecenas leo orci, condimentum ut scelerisque nec, luctus sit amet ligula. Quisque tincidunt elit eu lacus posuere, in tincidunt turpis hendrerit. Aenean finibus eros quis libero maximus, a dignissim urna aliquam. Sed quis libero laoreet, porta libero at, sagittis sapien. Pellentesque eget rhoncus ex, vel placerat metus. Maecenas mattis, nibh nec semper facilisis, risus purus ornare ex, ac ornare dui nulla at libero. Nulla sit amet enim at dui fermentum rhoncus ut vel mauris. Aenean feugiat volutpat velit.

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Dr. Luciano de Gatica

Writen by
Dr. Luciano de Gatica

Luciano de Gatica graduated in 2005, as a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, from Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP) in Argentina. He gained extensive experience in the field of…



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The best time to bring your puppy or kitten for their first vet appointment is within the first few weeks of bringing them home. This is when you can establish a relationship with their veterinarian and get answers about how to care for your pet.

The most important thing you can do is ensure your pet gets the care it needs. Regular checkups are necessary for any furry friend, especially older dogs and cats. If there’s any sign that something might be wrong with your pet, talk to your vet about it as soon as possible!

Deworming your pet is a great way to prevent intestinal parasites. It’s safe, simple, and easy to administer with no side effects. Most dogs will be dewormed as part of their routine care at 2, 4, 6, and 8 weeks. Your vet clinic can help determine the appropriate time frame for your puppy or kitten’s first deworming visit.

If your pet is at least six months old, it will likely have a longer life span than if they were to be spayed. However, other factors come into play when determining whether or not an animal should be fixed before its time. A Pet clinic in Dubai can help you choose the best time to get your pet spayed.

You may wonder whether your pet is healthy enough to undergo the spay or neuter procedure. Many factors affect the decision-making process, including age, health, and other factors. Your veterinarian will evaluate these factors before determining if your pet needs to be spayed or neutered. Please ask the pet clinic in Dubai if you have any questions about whether your pet can be spayed or neutered.

Rabies is a serious disease that can be fatal to humans and animals. The rabies vaccination is required by law in many countries, including the UAE. The rabies vaccine is a series of three shots over time at set intervals (usually every one or two months). It’s recommended that you have your pet vaccinated every year, but it’s not always necessary for all dogs and cats under six months old check with your vet in dubai if you’re unsure whether or not your pet needs this shot.

Microchipping is a permanent form of identification that can be used to reunite owners with their lost pets. It’s also more reliable than collars and tags, which can come off or fall off over time. This makes microchipping the ideal option for your pet’s safety and peace of mind. Consult your pet clinic in Dubai to get your pet microchipped.


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