Vomiting in cats is something that almost all owners encounter. The main thing is to distinguish ordinary vomiting from a symptom of a serious illness that has severe health consequences. Many people wonder how to help a cat with vomiting at home and whether it can be done. Let’s examine the reasons and how to provide first aid.
Causes of Vomiting in Cats:
Vomiting is the instinctive emptying of the gastrointestinal tract through the mouth and nose. When a cat vomits, its brain triggers abdominal contractions. Belching and vomiting are two different things and should not be confused. Vomiting has precursors – a tense posture, an arched back, and a lowered head. In the case of belching, food comes out spontaneously without any effort.
Cats can vomit for many reasons. These can be divided into physiological and pathological causes. Physiological reasons are based on the normal cleaning of the animal’s gastrointestinal tract:
Sudden change in diet
Lack of food
Excess food
Ingested hair in the digestive tract
Vestibular malfunctions
Neuropsychiatric conditions
Side effects from vaccination
Consequence of anesthesia
Eating grass
In cases of normal vomiting, it is not necessary to treat the pet. It is enough to provide fresh water, easily digestible food, a comfortable environment, and not to disturb the cat. Such vomiting is one-time or not prolonged.
Prolonged and regular vomiting can be dangerous and may be a symptom of the disease. Pathological vomiting is often associated with serious health problems. Some of the reasons include:
Various poisonings, both organic (rotten food, etc.) and chemical
Swallowing inedible objects with possible injuries
Impaired kidney function
Liver problems
Various infections (parasites, viruses)
Inflammation of the pancreas
Inflammation of the gastric mucosa
Inflammation of the small intestine
Liver infiltration
In case of repeated vomiting, you should immediately contact a veterinary specialist at a hospital. If that is not possible, do the following:
Deprive the pet of food for the next day and provide plenty of fluids.
In case of relief, feed the cat often in small portions.
It is preferable for the food to be in the form of mashed potatoes or finely chopped.
The only way you can help a cat with vomiting at home is by providing plenty of water. Veterinarians do not recommend using medications without a prescription at home. Doing so can significantly complicate the diagnosis of the disease by masking the symptom.