Reviewed by Dr. Sarah Yosry
Updated on 08/24/2024
Reading time 4 min.
Severity: Low
Life stage: All
Cat’s tail can get puffed up in a variety of ways, and this is a normal, healthy reaction to the world around them. Cats are constantly alert for danger and will often puff up their tails when they feel threatened or scared, making them appear larger and more intimidating. This behavior is also common in younger cats who are just learning to be independent and can be frightening when you first encounter such an aggressive-looking new feline friend!
What Does a Puffed-Up Tail Mean?
A puffed-up tail is a sign of aggression, and cats use it to communicate with other cats and humans. The tail is essential to your cat’s body language because it conveys emotion. For example, if you see your cat walking around with an angry look or sitting in front of the door looking sad, chances are he’s upset about something. Similarly, his tail will wag back and forth with excitement if he’s feeling happy or excited!
Why Does My Cat’s Tail Puff Up?
The tail is a great way to express emotions. Cats use their tails to communicate with each other and humans. It can also tell us when they’re scared or angry. If your cat has a puffy tail, it could mean that he’s ready to attack — or just enjoying some alone time (as cats do).
The cat is Scared or Startled
It could mean a few things if your cat’s tail is up. The first thing to consider is that your kitty may have been startled by something in the room. This could be an electrical outlet or even a doorbell or another animal walking by outside. A scared cat will often lash out with its claws and try to defend itself against whatever has scared them so much.
If this isn’t what happened, there could be other reasons your cat’s tail is up: perhaps they’re afraid of something outside? Maybe they’re afraid of people? Or maybe they feel threatened by another animal in their house (or neighborhood)?

The cat is Angry or Aggressive
If your cat is angry or aggressive, their tail will be raised and fur puffed up. They may hiss or growl, swat with their paws, and attack. Your cat may run away if they feel threatened or attacked by another animal, such as a dog or bird.
Cat is Ready to Attack
If your cat is ready to attack, it will typically have its tail up and stiff. The cat will also have its ears back and its body low to the ground.
The cat’s tail will be twitching, which is a sign of aggression in cats.
If your cat’s tail is puffed up and doesn’t go away after a few hours, you should probably get it checked out by a veterinarian.
The best way to avoid this problem is to ensure your cat has plenty of room to run around in their environment. You can also try giving them some human food like dog biscuits or canned tuna fish which might help with the swelling in their tail.
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Writen by
Dr. Sarah Yosry
A product of a rich Australian/Egyptian heritage, Dr. Sarah Yosry stands as a testament to the union of diverse cultures and a shared love for animals…